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Robin Morgan: Atheist & Feminist Icon
2021May 6
Robin Morgan is a poet, novelist and author and has served as editor and columnist for Ms. Magazine. Her groundbreaking anthology "Sisterhood Is Powerful" came out in 1970, followed by "Sisterhood Is Global" and "Sisterhood Is Forever", along with more than a dozen other books of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. Her writings often include freethought and secular themes. Morgan has traveled the globe as a feminist activist, scholar, journalist and lecturer and is co-founder of the Feminist Women’s Health Network, the Feminist Writers Guild, Media Women and the National Network for Rape Crisis Centers. She even designed the universal logo of the women's movement: the women’s symbol with the raised fist in it. “White supremacy and male supremacy — these are the two forces most terrorist and most dangerous in this country,” she tells “Freethought Matters” co-hosts Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor. “In terms of the motivation behind it, it’s the far right — the religious far right.” Morgan adds, “I like to say that it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to respect religion and respect women at the same time.” Learn more about the Freedom From Religion Foundation at

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